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Top 10 Supplements for Women

Top 10 Supplements for Women

Hey, beautiful warriors of wellness! Embarking on a journey toward optimal health and wellness can often feel like navigating through a maze of endless options and conflicting advice. As women, finding the right supplements that cater to our unique needs can be particularly challenging. We're constantly bombarded with a plethora of choices, each claiming to be the 'miracle solution' for our health woes. But how do we sift through this sea of information and find what truly nourishes and supports our bodies?

Firstly, I think it is super important to have your bloodwork done to know exactly which supplements you need at a particular point in life. Your healthcare professional can help tailor and create a better plan to your body’s needs. If you’re looking for a functional wellness offering, check out Kim Schaper and her team here. They do an amazing job of understanding your full lifestyle and, most importantly, running full hormonal panels, not just basic markers.

I'm diving into my personal journey of self-discovery and vitality, exploring the realm of supplements that have become my trusted allies. After lots of research and self-experimentation, I’ve found these top 10 supplements (I think I actually did 11) that resonate with the essence of every vibrant woman… or at least a few of them.* Before we get going on this journey, know that I don’t take all of these supplements at the same time.

Okay, let’s get to it. I know a lot of women are searching for supplements for energy, and quite a few of these can help! Just look for the extra star at the end. Also, know that when our bodies and hormones are balanced and supported, we naturally have energy. Our bodies become the energy supplement! 

  • Multivitamins: My daily multivitamin is not just a supplement; it's my spectrum of vitality. It’s like a rainbow in a bottle, ensuring I radiate wellness from the inside out, even on my busiest days.
    • Pro tip: find a multi that also has minerals!

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are my heart’s best friend and my brain’s ally in clarity. Sourced from the purest fish oil, they’re like liquid gold, nourishing my cells and uplifting my mood.
    • Vegetarian ladies: Seed oils are amazing, too. I like Flora, Udo’s Choice 3-6-9 Blend.

  • Probiotics: Probiotics are my gut's guardians. They maintain the harmony of my inner ecosystem, ensuring that every part of me feels balanced and nurtured.
    • Prebiotics: Sometimes, we need a little extra assistance. Prebiotics are essentially the food for probiotics.
    • Check out the diagrams below for more stellar information.

  • Cordyceps militaris: While not a traditional “supplement,” because it is an adaptogen, not a vitamin or mineral (learn more about adaptogens here), cordyceps militaris has become my best friend as of late! It helps me reduce fatigue, boost my immune health, and gives a bump in energy*.
    • My FAVE cordyceps product is NOVA’s Breakthrough drink mix. It actually has 6 functional mushrooms, so you might get even more benefit.

  • Vitamin D: I like to call this one my 'sunshine supplement.' It’s my daily dose of glow, strengthening my bones and igniting my immune system with the power of sunlight.
    • Watch out: Monitor your intake of vitamin D. High levels of vitamin D can impact your estrogen levels. And can interact with magnesium.

  • Iron: This is my go-to for keeping my energy magnetic and dynamic. Especially crucial during my menstrual cycle, iron is my secret weapon against fatigue, keeping my vitality flowing. Energy supplement for the right candidates*!

  • Calcium: My personal shield for bone health, calcium ensures that my frame stays strong and unyielding as I conquer my day.

  • Magnesium: When the world spins a bit too fast, magnesium is my serene sanctuary. It eases my mind, soothes my body, and prepares me for restorative sleep, so I wake up feeling rejuvenated. This can be an energy supplement for the right candidates! If you’re rested, you have energy.
    • Note: There are several forms of magnesium out there. Some might give you frequent trips to the bathroom, so always read the label and descriptions!

  • Zinc: Zinc is my immune system's warrior and my skin’s nourisher. It’s like an invisible shield, protecting and polishing my complexion from within.

  • Folate: As a woman who celebrates every aspect of her femininity, folate is my foundation for reproductive health and a thriving body.

  • B Vitamins: These are the sparks that ignite my daily energy* and focus. They fuel my drive, enhance my mental clarity, and support my cellular metabolism, keeping me vibrant and ready to face whatever the day holds.
    • B-Complex: Get a blend because there are a lot of Bs out there!

Do not use calcium, zinc, or magnesium together unless advised by a medical professional* They may compete with each other to be absorbed or increase/decrease certain blood level markers.* Most multis with minerals have these combined, but they’ve been tested at the right dosages.

Each of these supplements is more than just a capsule or a powder; they're potent symbols of my commitment to living a life that's as radiant as the stars. They complement a diet rich in color and diversity and a lifestyle that's full of movement, laughter, and love. Remember, these supplements are not just pills; they're catalysts for transformation and empowerment.*

So, here's to each of us finding our unique blend of wellness, to fueling our bodies with intention and care, and to living our most luminous lives. Remember, in the NOVA universe, every woman is a supernova; sometimes, we just need a little boost!

Remember, these supplements are companions on your wellness journey, not substitutes for a diverse, nutrient-rich diet and a lifestyle filled with joy and movement. Listen to your body, and always consult with a healthcare professional to tailor your supplement regimen to your unique needs. Some of these supplements can lead to toxicity if not taken at the right dosage, or they can possibly interact with prescription medications.

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