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you’re shining

Live an iconic life filled with breakthroughs, love and confidence. NOVA believes in living a life of intention in the present while manifesting and creating any future a supernatural woman wants. Your thoughts and words hold immense power in creating your reality. Design even more legendary seasons with the power you have inside yourself. You aren’t delusional, you ARE living in your greatest season!


Because the glow-up never stops.

  • My ____ breakthrough has already been delivered. It is mine.
  • I am blessed and thankful for the tenacious power alive in my soul and body.
  • I am accomplishing immeasurably more than I could have ever imagined in all areas of my life.
  • I am the sun. Everything orbits around me.
  • My purpose is clear and I am walking in my own empowerment. 
  • I am open and ready to receive my breakthrough gratefully.
  • My power and purpose are as unique as they are forceful.
  • I embrace my unique qualities and use them to my advantage.
  • I am confident in my ability to handle challenges and emerge stronger from them.
  • Everything is working out in my favor. Everyone and everything are for me and my highest good.
For your most supernatural season, yet.


Affirmations to reach your destination with clear intentions.

  • I have already arrived at  ____ destination. It is mine. I am living in it. 
  • I feel the energy surrounding me as I live in my ultimate purpose and destiny. 
  • I am blessed and thankful for all of the life missions that I have been on. 
  • I am now on my most glorious trip, discovering my true soul in my most abundant season.
  • The places I go promote a creative, positive and otherworldly experience.
  • I surround myself with people and places that encourage my growth and skyrocket my excellence.
  • Every arrival is an opportunity to generate more _____ for myself.
  • I now set a clear intention to experience glorious joy for myself and anyone I come into contact with.
  • I embrace courage, confidence and love in every mission.
  • Positive energy radiates from within me and I am capable of the highest achievements.  
To arrive in a galaxy all your own.


Step into your most authentic and powerful self.

  • I define who I am. I am tenacious, authentic and iconic in my own right.
  • My thoughts, views, feelings and perspectives are unique and valuable. They hold power in this universe.
  • I empower myself and everyone around me to find their supernatural purpose.
  • No one can do what I can do. I am original. I designed myself.
  • The potential inside of me is as boundless as the depths of space and as bright as a supernova.
  • I can reinvent who I am, what matters most and my purpose at any time.
  • I am proud of who I am, where I come from and where I am going.
  • I dare to be original in a world of conformity. 
  • My intuition guides me, allowing me to make decisions aligned with my highest self and promoting my truest values and beliefs. 
  • I am walking in my most divinely protected season and know I am liberated to live confidently in my truest self.


We can conquer the world together.

  • Together, we celebrate the power of all women at every point in their journeys.
  • I help women encourage their own pursuit of unrelenting originality and imagination.
  • Like trailblazing women before me, I denounce the status quo and stereotypes and actively seek to provide equity for all women.
  • There is iconic potential in all women in every season of their lives.
  • Women outshine everyone, every day, in every universe.
  • We welcome and honor differences in (respectful) beliefs and values.
  • Women shine even brighter together. I will help other women recognize their own light within.
  • There is no competition; we can all surpass our highest goals when we work together. 
  • I am inspired by the uniqueness of every woman in my life and I remind them of this.
  • Women own the right to their own bodies.


You are a supernatural goddess who exudes and flaunts ultimate beauty.

  • My body is a perfect temple, period.
  • The body I am in is a tent for my soul. It is not who I am, but the container for what truly makes me a supernatural woman.
  • I have the choice to do whatever I want with my body; it is iconic in every way.
  • My beauty radiates from the inside out.
  • I embrace all of my body and love its size, shape, unique features, curves and edges.
  • My body empowers me to do amazing things; I am grateful for everything it is able to do.
  • I am a work of art and I am one-of-one.
  • I am confident in anything I wear because I am infinitely beautiful in every way: my shape, my hair, my skin, my face and my features all radiate brilliance. 
  • “I look fly. I look good. Touch my swag. Wish you could.” – Chalie Boy 
  • My outward appearance does not determine my worth or what I deserve. Regardless, I’m a baddie.


There is nothing more important than the tenacious love you have for yourself.

  • The unconditional love I have for myself is overflowing and it encourages me to always choose myself first.
  • I am boldly proud of who I am and I embrace all of what makes me unique.
  • I am beyond worthy of everything I receive, achieve and believe. 
  • Abundance surrounds me because of the love I emit into the universe.
  • I set healthy boundaries to create and maintain an environment that nourishes my soul and self-love.
  • I give myself the same grace I give to others; I am self-compassionate.
  • The present moment is where I immerse myself to discover my true nature and highest sense of worth and love.
  • I live in a state of gratitude for all of my characteristics, values and quirks – they make me the supernatural woman I am.
  • I am confident in all of my inner strength, resilience and ability to accomplish legendary feats. 
  • My life and the people in it reflect the intense love I have for myself. Everything and everyone radiates love and light.


You are a warrior whose body can create and birth life.

  • I am proud of my body; it created a miraculous new life in this world.
  • My postpartum body is a testimony to its incredible capabilities and the new season of life I am entering.
  • I choose to let go of comparisons to my past body, leaving behind what no longer serves me or my precious child.
  • My transformed body is exactly what I need to nourish a new soul.
  • I embrace the beauty of the unique characteristics my body showcases; each one tells a story of strength along an incredible journey.
  • My body has done incredible work: I am in awe of its strength and I praise it for bringing supernatural love into my life.
  • I am grateful for the changes my body has gone through to bring my baby into this world.
  • I honor my body’s needs, supplying it with the grace, compassion, rest and nourishment it needs to heal.
  • This new season of my life is made even more iconic when I remind myself of the incredible strength it took to create, birth, nurture and care for another life.
  • As I navigate this novel journey with my postpartum body, I admire and celebrate myself every day.
  • My body is beautiful and I walk confidently into every room and by every mirror.


You live a life full of abundance and fulfillment, achieving anything – possible or impossible.

  • Success comes naturally to me; it is my birthright and I cannot miss it.
  • I define what success and abundance are for me and stop at nothing to obtain them.
  • I keep my thoughts and beliefs aligned with my passions and goals to allow success to flow to me easily. 
  • The universe places people in my life who will help me achieve everything I desire. I openly welcome them into my life.
  • I use my success to inspire others and make a positive impact in the world.
  • There is no need to compete with others; my success is unique to me. I have earned and deserved what is coming to me at the perfect time.
  • I approach every opportunity with enthusiasm and declare that they are the next step toward greatness.
  • I do not fail; I only experience circumstances that allow me to learn and try again another way.
  • I am ready and willing to receive everything and anything that the universe has for me. I am in my greatest abundance season.
  • I am a powerful woman who creates the life she dreams of because anything imagined can be achieved.


You are an authentic woman deserving of empowering joy love and abundance.

  • All of the things, positions and people I desire gravitate toward me and I openly receive them because I deserve everything this universe has to offer.
  • I am infinitely worthy of love, joy, fulfillment and meaningful experiences throughout my life, in every season. 
  • Nourishing love flows effortlessly into my life; the love I send out into the universe is what I receive in return.
  • The ______ I desire most has been released and is on its way to me because I lay claim to it.
  • I only accept and entertain fulfilling and loving relationships.
  • I am grateful for everything I have and every person in my life. My posture of gratitude opens me to receive even more abundance and power.
  • My current circumstances do not dictate what I am worthy of and I am actively working towards welcoming in my greatest abundance – greater than anything I can even imagine. 
  • I am open to new relationships and experiences that will broaden my wealth of knowledge, wisdom and love. 
  • I know my future is full of supernatural wonders that I have earned and will graciously accept.
  • I am that B. That’s reason enough that I deserve anything I want. And I get it. Period.

Mental health is a priority

You are the architect of your mental wellbeing; honoring your emotions, nurturing resilience, embracing healing and cultivating positivity. Your struggles shape you, but they do not define you. You are in control, steering your life towards tranquility, joy and boundless mental health.

  • I am the curator of my mental peace. My mind is a sanctuary, filled with thoughts that nourish and empower me.
  • My mental wellbeing is my top priority. Every day, I take steps to nurture my mind and spirit.
  • My emotions, in all their variety and intensity, are valid and important. I honor them and learn from them.
  • I possess the strength to weather any storm. My resilience shines even brighter amidst challenges.
  • I embrace the process of healing and growth. I am patient with myself, knowing that every step forward, no matter the size, is progress. Healing is not a linear process and I embrace the turns.
  • I am not defined by struggles or circumstances. I am defined by the courage with which I face them and the resilience with which I overcome them.
  • Positive affirmations and thoughts are my companions. I surround myself with positivity, and it fuels my mind.
  • Just as I care for my physical health, I am committed to caring for my mental health. It is okay to seek help, rest, and take time for self-care.
  • My mental health is part of my journey, not a detour. It shapes me, but it does not confine me.
  • I am more than my anxieties and fears. They are part of my journey, but they do not steer my course. I am in control and I am capable of steering my life toward tranquility and joy.